Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research Insight in 3 minute

Research Insight in 3 minute

I find research work is insightful, but not all research topic is inspiring. These are some of the studies that I think are worth mentioning:

Mindfulness vs Motivation (updated on 23/7/2019)
  • Professor Hafenbrack interviewed by Havard Business Review in the Jan-Feb 2019 (issue #97 volume 1) concluded that Mindfulness is demotivating. In his research, meditators' motivation level was about 10% lower than the level of the people who had not practiced mindfulness. However, he reported that despite lower motivational level, the samples in the mindful group completed their assigned tasks on par with others, and equally well. 
  • Based on the above, can we conclude that less motivated employees may still perform as well as those who are highly motivated, as long as they meditate and practice mindfulness? Does this mean mindfulness is correlated to performance? or perhaps, are mindful people are more effective at work? There are still many unanswered questions on mindfulness but this is enough to put on our thinking cap and start investigating for more insights.


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