1. Fail to plan and prepare for the answer
The reason of showing the marks allocation on each of the exam question is to allow the student to plan for their answer. A question with 10 marks will need more points or depth of discussion as compare to question with 2 marks which requires brief explanation. The length of the answer may varies according to the marks allocated. This will reflect on time management too (this is why many students always complain that they do not have enough time to complete their answers in the final exam).

All examiner who set exam questions need to comply with the Bloom's taxonomy according to the level of the paper. Various verbs can be used to assess different level of intellectual which requires different answers. Failing to provide what the question verbs require will result in poor answer. For example, lower level verb like 'define' is just to give meaning of a term whereas 'discuss' is to examine in detail by using arguments for and against.
3. Writing down all you know
Some student do not bother with the scope of the question asked but rather look at a few keywords in the questions. With that, they will provide the answers based on what they know about these few keywords and give long lists or writing down all they know about a the subject area, without caring whether it is relevant or not. Hence, the student may thought that they have answered all the questions completely and did a good job in the exam but will not get the marks as they are forcing irrelevancies into answers. (Hey! examiners do read your answers before awarding marks. We don't just look at quantity but 'QUALITY' of your answer).
4. Repeating and duplicating the same answer
Please note that when examiners set the question paper, they will have to map out the question according to course learning outcomes. Which mean that each question in an exam paper will be assessing on a specific topic. Each question will not overlap with another or repeat the same topic or area. Therefore, if a student is repeating the same answer/material in different parts of answers, it shows that there are limited knowledge and understanding of the course; mainly focusing too narrowly on one area.
5. Only theories and concepts
In social science, students are taught to be practical and able to apply what they learn at real working environment. Although the fundamentals and principles which covers theories and concepts are important, most of the exam questions would assess on the application or practicality of the learned theories and concepts. This make more sense to have essay or case study questions in the exam. As stated in Weaknesses No.2, many exam questions with more marks allocated requires student to not just to state the theories or concepts by to apply them with illustration or examples.
There you go, the five most common weaknesses that I think can be improved. With this feedback, I look forward to see better exam answers from my own students.
To all learners, all the best!
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